
Chandler löser problemet på sitt sätt..

Kategori: Allmänt

Ur avsnittet där Monica och Chandler förväntar sig att bli föräldrar till en liten bebis men märker snabbt att det väntas tvillingar: 

Chandler: What do we do?
Monica: What do you mean; What do we do?!
Chandler: Twins! Twins!
Monica: Chandler, you pannicing!
Chandler: Ahaa, join me wont you?
Chandler: What do you say, we keep one and then just like.. Have an auction on the other one?
Monica: We can't split them up!
Chandler: Why not? We can get each of them, half of a medalion and then yeaaaars later they find each other.. and be reunited! I mean that's a great day for everybody!


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